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Women's Care

Leucwin Capsule 60

₹ 270
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Leucwin Syrup

₹ 190
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Nari Amrut Capsule 30

₹ 325
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Nari Amrut Syrup

₹ 220
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Shatavari Granules 120gm

₹ 345
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Shatavari Granules 240gm

₹ 670
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Leucwin Capsule 60

₹ 270

Rajasthan Herbals Leucwin Capsule 60 is an Ayurvedic Remedy that is well known for its natural and effective treatment of Leucorrhoea. It is made from natural ingredients such as Ashoka, Lodhra, Yastimadhu, and Musta, each of which have proven to be beneficial in treating the symptoms of leucorrhoea. The capsules are easy to consume and are absorbed quickly by the body, making them a convenient and effective treatment choice. Additionally, regular consumption of Leucwin Capsules 60s helps to promote healthy urogenital function, reducing the risk of future recurrence of leucorrhoea. Consumers have reported a significant improvement in their symptoms in a very short period of time, making this an ideal natural remedy for people suffering from Leucorrhoea.

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Leucwin Syrup

₹ 190
  • Rajasthan Herbals Leucwin Syrup provides natural care for White discharge (Leucorrhea)
  • Safe & Non - Hormonal solution for urinary tract infections
  • Helps to cure dryness and itchiness of the vagina
  • Natural way to restore the PH & vaginal health
  • Prevents recurrent infection. 
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Nari Amrut Capsule 30

₹ 325

Rajasthan Herbals Nari Amrut Capsule 30 is an ayurvedic medicine for irregular periods. The supplement is formulated with natural ingredients that have been traditionally used for their beneficial effects on women's health. These ingredients aid in the regulation of the hormonal cycle and in relieving abdominal cramps, pain, and other issues. Nari Amrut Capsule 30s is free from harmful chemicals and is a safe and effective alternative to traditional treatments. Regular use of this supplement can help women maintain optimal health and well-being. With its natural formulation, It provides a holistic approach to women's health.

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Nari Amrut Syrup

₹ 220
  • Nari Amrut Syrup Enriches women's health
  • Non-hormonal, reliable, and natural female health tonic
  • Aids in the regulation of the hormone cycle
  • Aids in relieving abdominal cramps, pain, and other issues
  • Useful in menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea , amenorrhoea & irregular menses
  • Helpful in controlling symptoms of PCOS , PCOD
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Shatavari Granules 120gm

₹ 345

Experience the power of Rajasthan Aushdhalaya Shatavari Granules, a premium herbal product designed to support your overall well-being. Made from the potent herb Shatavari, known for its numerous health benefits, these granules offer a convenient and effective way to enhance your vitality.

Benefits of Shatavari Granules:

  • Hormonal Balance: Shatavari aids in maintaining hormonal equilibrium, promoting reproductive health for women

  • Promotes Lactation: Due to its galactagogue characteristics, this 100 % natural remedy helps nursing women produce more and better-quality breast milk

  • Digestive Support: Improve digestion and alleviate acidity, flatulence, and blotting with the soothing and carminative properties of Shatavari

  • Immune Boost: Boost your immune system naturally and enhance your body's defense against infections and illnesses

  • Nourishing Tonic: Its adaptogenic properties aid in the natural reduction of mental and physical stress, as well as rejuvenation

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Shatavari Granules 240gm

₹ 670

Rajasthan Herbals Shatavari Granules 240gm is a natural and ayurvedic supplement, designed to support women's health and well-being. Made with high-quality Shatavari root powder, this potent formula  help to balance hormones, improve the quality and quantity of milk, and enhance the immunity of mother and baby. With regular use of Shatavari Granules 240gm, you can experience relief from menstrual discomforts, improved lactation, and a greater sense of well-being. Visit Rapl Group's website today to order this powerful and effective herbal supplement and take the first step towards optimal health.

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