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Acidity, Constipation & Piles Care

Apti Herb Syrup

₹ 180
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Early Morning Churna

₹ 630
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Outolcer Capsule

₹ 160
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Piles Go Churna

₹ 580
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Rapyl Capsule 30

₹ 260
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Rastopilz Capsule 30

₹ 445
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Apti Herb Syrup

₹ 180

Rajasthan Herbals Apti Herb Syrup is an herbal tonic that is designed to help improve digestion and appetite. This syrup is formulated using natural ingredients that are known to stimulate the digestive system and help in the absorption of nutrients. It can be used to address issues such as loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, and other digestive problems. The ingredients in Apti Herb Syrup also have a calming effect on the digestive system, which can help reduce inflammation and irritation. Regular use of this herbal syrup can help improve overall digestive health and promote a healthy appetite.


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Early Morning Churna

₹ 630

Rajasthan Herbals Early Morning Churna is a natural and herbal supplement, designed to support overall health and wellness. This potent formula is made with a blend of powerful ayurveda herbs, including Senna, Haritaki, Trivrut, and other, which may help to improve digestion, boost metabolism, and to relieve constipation. Start your day on a healthy note with Early Morning Churna from Rapl Group. Order now from website and take the first step towards optimal health.


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Outolcer Capsule

₹ 160

Rajasthan Herbals Outolcer Capsule is an herbal supplement that may help provide relief from mouth ulcers, Aphthous ulcers, and sore throat. Made with natural ingredients, this capsule may help reduce inflammation and protect the mouth lining from acid damage. It may help alleviate symptoms such as a burning sensation, painful sores, and problems with chewing, tooth brushing, and loss of appetite. If you are looking for a natural and effective solution for mouth ulcers and hyperacidity, Outolcer Capsule may be a suitable option for you.

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Piles Go Churna

₹ 580

Rajasthan Herbals Piles Go Churna is a natural and herbal supplement designed to provide relief from piles and related symptoms. It is made with a blend of potent ayurvedic herbs , Harshringar and Marich, that may help to reduce inflammation, soothe pain, and promote healing. With regular use of Piles Go Churna, you may experience relief from symptoms such as itching, burning, and bleeding, and promote better digestive health. It is convenient and easy to use, simply mix one pouch of churna in a glass of water and consume twice a day after meals. It is safe for long-term use with no harmful side effects, and quality tested to ensure the highest standards of purity and potency.

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Rapyl Capsule 30

₹ 260

Rajasthan Herbals Rapyl Capsule is a natural herbal supplement offered by RAPL Group that may help alleviate digestive issues such as constipation, indigestion, and gas. It contains natural ingredients known for their digestive, carminative, anti-flatulent, and laxative properties that may help improve digestion and relieve discomfort. Rapyl Capsule is a safe and effective option for those seeking natural relief from digestive problems.

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Rastopilz Capsule 30

₹ 445

Helpful in piles, fissure and fistula

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